Pepper juice recipe juice

Guava water properties to cure gout disease.


1. 250 grams of cashew fruit water cut into pieces
2. 100 grams of red pepper cut pieces
3. 4 mint leaves
4. 1 tablespoon lemon juice
5. 1 tablespoon honey
6. boiled water to taste

How to make:

1. Wash hands before taking action
2. prepare materials and wash using running water
3. pieces of cashew water, peppers, and mint leaves, then input into a blender glass with water
4. Turn on the blender machine, then grind the material until smooth and mixed evenly
5. turn off the blender machine, then pour into the glass
6. Put the mixture of water guava series into the glass. add lemon juice and honey, then stir until mixed evenly and ready to serve
7. Wash hands after taking action

so many guava juice recipe mint hopefully efficacious.

Herbal Nutrition Starfruit juice and lifeblood

what is the ingredient to make star fruit juice and connect your life;

the first prepare the material, which is as follows:

1. 7 pieces of leaves of life
2. 3 star fruit
3. 1 tablespoon honey

and the second way to make it is as follows:

1. Wash hands before taking action.
2. prepare materials and wash using clean water.
3. remove the skin of the edge of star fruit, then split lengthwise and discard the seeds. After, cut the star fruit along with the leaf of life.
4. Turn on the blender machine, then mop all the ingredients until smooth and mixed evenly.
5. turn off the blender machine, then add the diet sugar or honey, and the potion is ready to serve.
6. Wash hands after taking action.

so many of the herbs that I convey may be useful.



efficacy of this juice is to cure diabetes mellitus (diabetes)


1. 10 grams or 2 onion cloves
2. 200 grams of tomatoes
3. 100 ml of metallic water

How to make;

1. wash hands before mixing.
2. prepare materials and wash using running water.
3. cut onion and tomato, then put into a glass of blender along with boiled water
4, turn the blender machine, then pour into the glass and ready serve.
5. Wash hands after taking action.

What is the cause of hypertension?

HYPERTENSION can be defined as persistent blood pressure, where the systolic pressure is above 140 mmHg and diaslotik 90 mmHg and in elderly systolic pressure 160 mmHg and diaslotiknya pressure 90 mmHg.dan most important cause of disease called hypertension that is as follows;

1. decreased aortic wall elasticity.
2. the heart valve thickens and becomes stiff.
3. the ability of the heart to pump blood decreases.
4. loss of elasticity of blood vessels.
5. increased resistance of peripheral blood vessels.

And as for this disease like marked with below;
1. often complain.
2. headache / dizziness.
3. often feel weak or exhausted.
4. shortness of breath.
5. easily agitated.
6. often nausea or vomiting.
7. epistaxis.
8. as well as decreased consciousness.

8 Health Benefits of Bilimbi Fruit

The Bilimbi fruit, also known as Kamias comes from the Philippines. People nowadays see it as a very underappreciated fruit. People also know it for having a sour flavor.

This exotic fruit is also known as the cucumber. People use it for aesthetic purposes, but also for its incredibly amazing health benefits.

Because it is rich with antioxidants, vitamins B and C, and iron, this tree is very useful and beneficial for your health.

Find out about the benefits of this 30 ft tree below!

1. Treating Allergies
Having an allergy means that your body’s immune system is susceptible to certain things that are around your body, for example, certain foods, cat fur, etc.

Some symptoms that are in relation to having an allergy towards something out of our bodies count things like having a runny nose, itching, having trouble breathing, or other more serious ones triggered by a severe allergy.

Drinking Bilimbi juice can often help treat these symptoms and make your life a lot easier during these times.

2. Treating Bad Coughs
An extract from the fruit can be used as an ingredient of coughing syrup. This is the case because the Bilimbi fruit has proven to reduce inconvenience when it comes to coughs and having a runny nose.

3. Good Bones
With time, as the years go by, our bones and teeth become weaker. Even though taking calcium supplements is a good idea, it’s always better to actually eat food rich in calcium.

Kamias or the Bilimbi fruit can benefit your entire body and system by supporting it with the very much needed calcium. It makes our bones denser and stronger.

4. Treat Diabetes with the Bilimbi Fruit
People living with diabetes can make great use of this fruit. Take 6 grains kamias and add some water. Boil this mix and clean the water from the grains. It’s advised to drink this beverage two times a day.

5. Help with Managing HBP
If your blood pressure is above 140/90, it means you’re struggling with HBP, or high blood pressure.

The Bilimbi fruit has been used to treat this condition for generations. Boil the fruits with three glasses of water. Let half the water evaporate. This mixture should be consumed once you wake up.

7. Treat Rheumatic Pain
If you’re experiencing rheumatic pains, crush a handful of the kamia leaves and one of the grains. Mix with some water and put on the areas that hurt three times a day.

8. Weight Loss
Eating low-calorie meals and snacks is always a task. Here’s where the Bilimbi Fruit comes into play. Add it to your meals and eat it instead of a chocolate bar. You can combine the fruit in dozens of different ways and make amazingly tasty and eye-catching meals out of it.

10 Foods to Relieve Depression and Anger (5-Day Meal Plan Included)

The Mediterranean diet is one of the most famous diet-plans that people around the world are currently using, and it’s one of the most effective ones also. Researchers have recently discovered that this diet-plan is helping the people who are going through depression.

As a result of this, a study coming from Spain presents us a diet consisting of greens, fruits, nuts, olive oil, and beans, with extremely small quantities of meat that is processed. People are claiming that this diet is of great help for the ones who are struggling with depression.

On the other hand, how can a diet really help you brighten up your mood? In reality, can keeping away from certain types of beverages and ingredients be what you need to control your disorder?

With this in mind, scientists are claiming that there is a connection between the way your brain functions and the food that you’re consuming. Practicing the lifestyle of the right diet plan and regular fitness routines are the keys to regulating your entire system and feeling good overall.

The secret in this is that food and its ingredients contain certain particles and things that influence your mood and mindset. Therefore, if you stick to the bad unhealthy foods that do you no good, it’s not strange that your mood will go down south as well.

Also, the hormone called serotonin enters the game here as well.

Natural foods like fruits, for example, a banana can do a lot to improve your mood. But on the other hand foods like junk food and fizzy drinks, as well as alcohol is known to make you more depressed and anxious.
10 Feel Good Foods
Try to incorporate these foods in your life and eat them as often as you possibly could.

1. Spinach
Spinach is known for containing lots of iron, which is good for helping you out with being more focused. If you’re fighting with fatigue, fight it off by eating some spinach. Its components are supported and work together with serotonin, which is all you need to know.

2. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are great because they contain lots of folates, which is good for your system. Not only that but they’re a better alternative to white potatoes because they don’t elevate your sugar levels.

3. Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts are great because they’re an important source of selenium. It helps with mood swings and anxiety issues.

4. Oily fish
Oily fish is packing the much needed good fats like omega three. These are going to help out your brain to be more focused. Having low levels of omega three is connected to having mental health issues also.

5. Avocados
Avocados are packing vitamin B6 as well as tryptophan. What’s better to eat than an avocado if you’re feeling down anyway?

6. Eggs
Eggs are packing in zinc. Zinc helps you out with feeling refreshed and energized. And why not? An egg contains only 77 calories, and it’s one of the healthiest foods to go for as long as taken in moderation.

7. Yogurt
Yogurts are packed with calcium. It has the capability to help out if you’re experiencing anxiety issues, depression, and mood swings also.

8. Tofu
Tofu contains lots of protein which has proven to help with having trouble focusing. It’s also packing tyrosine. Thanks to these components your mood will go up in no time.

9. Bananas
Bananas are often used for when going through weight loss programs and diets because they control your hunger and keep you fed for a little while. They’re also known for stabilizing your system’s sugar levels.

By packing vitamin B6 and also being the source of tryptophan, they’re the perfect fruit to consider using in your diet plan if you want to brighten up your mood!

10. Bread
Wholewheat bread is great and necessary for consumption because it contains serotonin that stays in your system longer in comparison to the white bread. You will feel less tired, and also energized and fed and satisfied – all at the same time!

Herbs to cure hypertension

what's that herb that cures hepertensi disease?
herbal ingredients to cure penhyakit hypertension namely;

the first prepare the material we will use that is;

1. cloves garlic 3 cloves
2. 3 stalk celery

and the second way to make this herb that is;

1. Wash hands before taking action.
2. prepare materials and wash using running water.
3. Garlic and celery bulbs input into the boiling container and add 3 glasses of water.
4. turn on the stove and boil all the ingredients until boiling, until the water remaining 1 cup.
5. lift and filter all materials, then refrigerate.
6. drinking potion 1 times a day, 1 cup drink.
7. Wash hands after taking action.

maybe a lot of herbs to cure hepertensi disease, may be useful.